POV: you're Heavy's sandvich at 2fort when he accidentally threw you off the bridge.
POV: you're Heavy's sandvich at 2fort when he accidentally threw you off the bridge.
I learned about Uncle Dane ridiculously late, tbh. My TF2 fan friend was just: "Bro you have 30 hours (30-35, can't remember how much hours i played then) in this game, you main engineer, you read guides and you don't know who is the Uncle Dane!?"
we love dane :D
This game is a legend. TF2 community went apeshit when Valve changed "update-sized" to "holiday-sized" update, but then... Seal dropped.
Now TF2's online is through the roof, moon, sun and closest galactics. And i love to know that it was the community who held the game together.
This art is sponsored by The Shadow Government.
That's cute as hell.
You did amazing work. I can't overestimate it, pixel art is very hard style (for me at least)
So much details everywhere... Cool!
All heroes deserve living a peaceful life, right?
Nice art.
I just love how full of life this art is.
Retro style pixel art is superior. Change my mind.
(is someone really reading it-? OH SHI-)
Basically, i test games, want to make one... Listen, just... Pretend there's the best "About me" ever written, k? Thx.
My house
Joined on 7/22/21